Tomb Raider – Daring (Recommendation)


Year: 2018

Director: Roar Uthaug

Starring: Alicia Vikander, Daniel Wu, Walton Goggins, Dominic West, Hannah John-Kamen, Gintare Beinoraviciute, Kristin Scott Thomas, Emily Carey, Antonio Aakeel




Tomb Raider is a reboot of the 2001 Lara Croft movie franchise, which was originally adapted from a video game and starred Angelina Jolie. This 2018 remake is the origin story of how heiress and food courier, Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander), sets out on an adventure to discover the truth about her father’s disappearance and stop merciless organisation from unleashing a deadly weapon on the world.


When a remake is announce, people wait with baited breath, questioning – Will it be like the original? Will it be better or worse the first films? In this case, the answer is no and better. In the 2000 version, Lara was portrayed as a sexy woman with a gun, who has already established herself in the archaeological world. However, in Uthaug’s remake, Lara is a woman living on minimum wage, who takes a leap of faith and travels across the world to find her missing father. These Lara’s are like night and day, though share the common Croft traits: determination, loyalty, and love, all of which spur her on to succeed and make an entertaining films.


As a character, Lara is a very audacious and independent woman. In all aspects of her life, from her heritage to her livelihood, she chooses to forge her own path away from her father’s fortune or influence. Her drive and intelligence makes her an intriguing actions hero; not only is she a woman, but she uses knowledge as a weapon and tool, unlike trigger-happy male action heroes of Hollywood.


I would watch this film again for four reasons: Firstly, the film stayed reflected it’s videogame origins through camera angles and concise pacing. Secondly, unlike the original two, this adaptation has a realistic plotline instead of a being fantastically magical. Thirdly, Tomb Raider is light entertainment for the entire family. Lastly, as a whole, the film motivates by projecting the idea that knowledge and determination are the true gateways to success.

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