Soul Surfer – Faith (Recommendation)


Year: 2011

Director: Sean McNamara

Starring: AnnaSophia Robb, Carrie Underwood, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, Lorraine Nicholson, Kevin Sorbo, Jeremy Sumpter, Ross Thomas, Sonya Balmores, Craig T. Nelson, Branscombe Richmond




When we are struggling, we turn to family, friends, and even God for strength. Soul Surfer is the true story of how the teenage surfer, Bethany Hamilton (AnnaSophia Robb), lost her arm in shark attack. Through determination, love for the sport, and an unyielding belief in God, Bethany reevaluates her life. She decides that her new goal is to help others, through her surfing and charitable work.


Before the attack, Bethany’s entire life revolved around surfing. When she was told that being able to surf again would be unlikely, she naturally asks “How can this be Gods plan for me?”. To be given a skill, only for the ability to use it to be taken away. Her youth ministry leader highlighted that she needed “to believe that something good is gonna come out of this”, as it would help her to health her relationship with God.


Though Soul Surfer is oriented around religious faith, the film also looks at our capacity for self-belief. When all hope seems lost, Bethany gets back in the ocean time and time again until she is able to stand upright on her board. She set’s herself the goal to compete with able non-handicapped athletes; without special treatment or a prosthetic, as she has faith in herself and her abilities. This reminds us that in moments of self-doubt, we should rise and keep fighting on, as setbacks and hurdles are there for us to jump over.


Even if you aren’t religious, this film is motivating to watch, as the message at the core of Soul Surfer, is that we must always believe in ourselves. Since her attack, the real Bethany Hamilton has placed in over twelve surfing competitions, earning first place in eight. Bethany motivates and reminds us to Iive by the quote – “I don’t need easy, I just need possible”.

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